
50/30/20 Rule of Budgeting


Scribbled Underline


Break your in hand salary

50% for Needs 30% for Wants 20% for Savings / investment




50% - NEEDS

Components one cannot live without.

Groceries Rent Utility bills like electricity, gas, water, mobile, etc.




30% - WANTS

Things you want but you can survive if you don’t have them.

Vacations Hobbies Dining out

Shopping Movies Streaming  services









20% - SAVINGS 

It is the most crucial part of the budgeting rule, Savings will help you achieve your future financial goals.

Although this budgeting rule allocates only 20% to savings, it must be your utmost priority and should never be ignored.

how to apply 50/30/20 Rule

Calculate Your Monthly Income

Categorise Your Spending History based on transactions in each category.

And finally once you know where your money goes , Evaluate and Adjust Your Spending


